Week Preview – Dec.1 – 6

December! Already!?!

Week 1 of testing was a ton of fun, at least for me. Big numbers, great times. So we roll on to the final week of testing for Foundation & Building. Being begins a new cycle.



Foundation – Back Squat 3RM + A bike ride…. for 10:00…..

Building – Power Clean + Strict Press + Broad Jump & Push up Test

Being – C&J + Press + Sledssssssss



Foundation – Bench 1RM + Burpees… like a lot of them

Building – Front Squat 1RM + A Bike ride… pretty similiar to what Foundation did Monday. Actually, it’s the same.

Being – Front Squat + CrossFit Chipper (DU/Box Jump) + Fan favourite air squats



Foundation – Gymnastic Strength Tests + Pull Up & Step Up Test

Building & Being – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Power Snatch + Pull Up + Row Interval Test

Being – Snatch + CrossFit grinder (C2B/Snatch/Pull Up/Push Press)



Foundation – Incline Bench 3RM + Wall Balls…. like a lot of wall balls… 150 to be exact

Building – ……… Ditto ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Being – Deadlift + Row



Foundation & Building – Christine! (Row/Deadlift/Box Jump)

Being – Skill Practice (MU/Handstand) + Bar MU/HSPU/Pull Up/Dips +++++ Wall Ball and Tuck Ups

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