Week Preview August 8-13

Ok the weeks surrounding August long are over. Time to get signed up for your classes and get back into a routine! We’re back into those big leg and overhead strength days starting and finishing the week for Building.


Sled Push, Scott curl, BS (OHS), Split Squat, Side Plank

Foundation: OHS, Sumo Deadlift

Building: BS, FS


WB Workout! (all bodyweight except for some KBS’s)


Back extension, External Rotation, Dragon Flag, Behind the Neck Press, Reverse Nordic

Foundation: BB Split Squat, BB Row

Building: Snatch, CJ


Sled Push Pull Running, CBP, Goblet Squat, Trap 3, Couch Stretch

Foundation: Conditioning & Core

Building: Push Press & Strict Press


Bench Press & Conditioning

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