Week Preview: August 3 – 8

August?!?! Already?

It is going to be a hectic month for me, just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being patient and understanding, it is tough to run a business and get married at the same time! The kind words and encouragement have made this crazy part of my life less stressful, also the support from the Sublime staff has been great. So thank you for that, I appreciate it.


Hope everyone has plans to enjoy the last month of summer, whether that is camping or just taking some time and lounging around at home. Attendance always dips a little in the summer, but this has been our busiest ever, which makes me very happy. Please take a chance to fill our this survey regarding Sunday hours which will be coming in the fall. I would like to start them in September, but because I will be away for 2 weeks for my honeymoon (so selfish I know) I will have to wait and see how the schedule shakes out for the Sublime staff. Remember they all have full time jobs and do this on the side because they are passionate about helping people reach goals. They are taking time off work, and putting in long hours to ensure I can take some time off, I do not want to stretch them too thin. With all that said, please fill out the survey, hopefully Sunday hours start in September, if not you can be sure to seem them in October!


We have some new stuff coming to us! It will be done by pre-order this time around. T-shirts are the same material and fit as those grey ones and can come in the women’s cut, the black hoodie is the same as our old green one. If you like the hockey program shirt, you can order it! Just send me an email kyle@sublimesc.com and let me know which shirt/hoodie you like and size.

Left Breast HoodieMock Up TeeSuffer Stronger Red on Royal

Okay, enough with the gushy feelings stuff! Foundation gets a dip in volume for bi-lateral work, but the volume remains the same for all uni-lateral movements. Building comes out of a de-load with some heavy lifting, it is strength time people! Being gets ready for the beach with some body building fun and mix in with the Foundation group while we sort out the testing results.



Foundation – Back Squat & Ring Pull Up + DB Reverse Lunge & DB Row + LP (Bike/Row)

Building – Back Squat + Press Heavy Singles + KBS/Dips/Row



Foundation – Deadlift + Bench + OH Press & Leg Curls + Arm Curls & Farmer Walk & Jackknife on Rings OR Abwheel Roll Outs

Building – Deadlift + Pull Ups + KB Shenanigans & DB Shenanigans & Get That Chin Over The Bar And Hold It There Shenanigans



Foundation – Mid-Line Stability + Aerobic (Row/Bike/Skip/Sled/Step Ups)

Building – Lateral Hops + Shuttle Run + ALT EMOM (Back Squat/Push Ups)



Foundation – Front Squat + DB Rows + Push Ups + KBS + Aerobic Test (Row/Bike)

Building – Clean + Chin Ups + Row Intervals



Everyone: Running Sprint Intervals + Aerobic Intervals (WB/Burpee/Box Jump/Bike)

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