Week Preview August 29-Sept 3

Last week of August and first week of our new cycle! We have a fun partner workout on Saturday and a holiday class on Labour Day Monday coming up for you. Then next week (Sept 7) we will resume our Wednesday stretch and conditioning recovery class.

Attendance has been very inconsistent in the past month. There have been a lot of members dealing with illness and many just on vacation. Please remember to sign up for the classes you will be attending and it would be greatly appreciated, if at all possible, if you can sign up at least 30 minutes in advance. This helps the coaches prepare and do their jobs.


Push ups, Rowing, External Rotation, Powell Raise, Sled Drag

Foundation: Pendlay Row, BS
Building: OHS, Snatch


Sissy Squats, Jefferson Curls, Hip Flexor Raise, Sprints, Couch Stretch
Everyone: Conditioning


Bike, DB Shoulder Press, Chins, Sled Drag, Hip Stretching

Foundation: RDL, Push Press
Building: CJ, Push Press


Split squats, Tib Raise, Back Extn, Tuck ups, Farmers Carry

Foundation: Conditioning
Building: Back Squats


Partner Workout 🙂

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