Week Preview Aug 5-10

Holiday Class Partner Workout Monday the 5th at 9:30, Whiteboard Workout Friday. Open Gym is cancelled this weekend. Do something fun and active outside 🙂


Holiday: Partner Workout!! Plus some sprinting (fast running)


Foundation: Band Pull-in, Back Extn, DB Calf Raise, Bottom ¼ Goblet, Couch Stretch

Building: Hi Hang Power Snatch, Halting Snatch DL or Back Squat

Being: Handstand Walks, plus peg board, rope climb or ring pull ups


Conditioning & Stretch


Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Drive, Stretch

Building: Push Press

Being: HSPU’s, DU’s, OH Walking Lunges


Whiteboard Workout: Running, Box Jump, WB


Conditioning: Rowing, Biking, Push ups, Leg Raises, BJSD

Lifting: Snatch, CJ

Being: Handstand Walking added

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