Week Preview Aug 26 – Sept 1

This is the last week in this cycle and it’s a deload for lifting. But we have LOTS of conditioning to keep you busy if you just want to stick to your Foundation. Plus a couple extra challenges for Building/Being like some interesting gymnastics accessory core work on Monday.

The Long weekend is coming up and we have a holiday class on Monday.

Our next cycle sees some barbell strength mixed back in with some Deadifts, Squats and Bench Press.

Our second strength peak of the year occurs in October right as the Crossfit/Sublime Open is upon us again. This year only our Open will occur twice! The 5 weeks of competition will begin October 10th. We’d like as many people as possible to be able to participate in these workout because it’s a great way for our community to come together. As usual there will be a variety of levels to choose from. We’re thinking of running these workouts on either or both Friday nights and Saturday mornings. Please let us know over the next couple weeks if you have a preference.


Foundation: Band Pull In, Back Ext., Calf Raise, Goblet Sq, Couch Stretch

Building/Being: Add: Dragon Flag, Crow Pose, Strict T2B, Hollow Rock


Everyone: Conditioning: Row, OHS, Mountain Climbers, Bike, Push Press, Skip

Being: Add in HS Walking & DU’s


Foundation: Conditioning (Around the World) & Stretch


Foundation: DB Bench, Ring Row, Sled Drive, Stretch

Building/Being: Add: AMRAP Deadlifts, DU, Bike or HSPU’s


Whiteboard Workout!!


Conditioning: Around the World

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