Week Preview Aug 23-28

Ok gang this week we will deload and then next week begin fresh and return to regular Oly lifting training for the Building group. So you don’t need to pick your days this week to avoid the WB workout since there isn’t one. We’re gonna do our Foundation work with extra stretching added and some fun conditioning and core work. Saturday we have some fun with a partner workout.


Sled Drag, Rev Step up, Incline Bench or Ring Dip, chins, stretch

EMOM2 Conditioning


Band Pull in, SL Back Extension, DB Flye, Band Pull Apart, Wall Slides

EMOM Conditioning


Sled, Split Squats, Calf Raises and Stretching

20 min Conditioning @ 75%


Looooong Run, RDL’s, Lsit, Extn Rotation, Stretching + Crazy Abs


Partner Workout!!

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