Week Preview Aug 17-22

Hi everyone! I just wanted to mention that I know with our number restrictions due to COVID some of the slots are filling up quite quickly at the beginning of the week. Please put your name on the waitlist if you’d like to attend and it’s full. There’s a very good chance you will get added to the class. Or text me and I’ll see what I can do about fitting you in.

Also please be conscientious of others and if you have to cancel a slot know that there may be someone on the waitlist so please cancel with as much notice as possible. Thanks!


Everyone: Conditioning Fun Day (what’s this? Nobody knows)


Band Pull in, Back Extn, Calf Raise, Goblet Squat, Couch Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Bench Press, FS

Building: Power Clean & Jerk + BS


Conditioning + Stretching


WB Workout!!


Incline DB Bench, Ring Row, Sled Push, Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Strict Press, BB Hip Thrust

Building: Pwr Snatch, Jerk



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