Week Preview: April 9 – 14

Goooood Sunday to you all!

We begin a new cycle this week and we sure hope you like it! The initial plan was to start with a little running in this cycle but mother nature has other plans. I just couldn’t force the poor 6am folk to jog out into the cold, dark, icy sidewalks…no matter how tough they are. Instead, we will do a quick squat cycle and hope that May brings some warmth!

Please stick to the percentages prescribed, as we will build off of those week to week. We will work off of your 1 rep max, if you do not know that try to estimate, if you can’t even guess what it would be, talk to one of your coaches and they can help you out!


Foundation – BSQ + Lower Body Accessory & Abs

Building – Snatch + Jerk + BSQ



Foundation – FSQ + DB Bench & Chins + Bike/Push Ups/Ring Rows

Building – Clean Complex + Push Press + Chins/Push Ups/Rowing


Wednesday :

Foundation – Sweaty Time! Intervals And Such (Tuck ups/WB/KBS/BJ/Rowing/Burpees)

Building – Rest Up!



Foundation – Rest Day!

Building – Your Turn To Sweat With Intervals And Such (T2B/WB/KBS/BJ/FSQ/Burpees)



Foundation – BSQ + Hollow Rock / Push Ups / Plank / Side Over Arch

Building – P-Sn + C&J + BSQ

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