Week Preview: April 30 – May 5

Week 4 coming at ya! Foundation will have a opportunity to chase a heavy single in the BSQ if things are feeling good this week…don’t fret if it isn’t, you will have another shot at it in the final week of this cycle as well! Building gets to chase heavy singles this week in the Snatch/Jerk/P-Cl/P-Sn….so eat big lift big!


Foundation – BSQ + Split Sq & Carries + Hip Thrusts & Dragon Flags

Building – Snatch + Jerk + BSQ



Foundation – FSQ + Upper Body Push/Pull

Building – Power Clean + Upper Body Push/Pull


Wednesday & Thursday:

Everyone: Intervals (Row/BJ/Bike/Thrusters/Paralette/DU/Burpees)



Foundation – BSQ + Core Strength

Building – Power Snatch + C&J + BSQ



Join Coach Mel For A Team Workout. Groups Of 3 Will Grind One Out! (Row/Burpees/KBS/Running)

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