Week Preview: April 27 – May 2

First off, big thanks to Scott M, Brad W, Stacie, Terry, Carolina, Erika, Mel, and Gail for coming out Saturday and helping with the clean up. Place looks great.


Couple of important notes for ya!

1) Jenelle continues her apprenticeship with Sublime and will be running one block of classes each week. Be sure to pop in for one of her classes.

2) You will notice some slight changes to the schedule beginning in May. We will doing some minor trimming up of the hours so when the fall time comes we will now offer SUNDAY CLASSES. We will be polling you all shortly to determine what would be the most popular time slot.


3) You may have already noticed, but if not, the Sublime Hockey Program is picking up and you will begin to see more of these little punks running around the gym. Any advice you can offer these guys helps. Remember this is a unique Hockey Program, they are here because they want to be. We don’t baby sit them or force them to do anything, they show up like you guys and work hard. But they are relatively inexperienced in the gym, so don’t be afraid to lend a hand when needed.

– Also Mason won Midget AAA Top Defence-men Award over the weekend. Give him a pat on the back if you see him this week. Been a big year for the kid.

4) I’ve been asked about CrossFit For Choices a few times recently. Unfortunately it will not run this year, with my wedding social in May on the same weekend we usually do it, it would be too much to take on in one month. It sucks, but I have been in talks with Kaisa to possibly set something up to help in another way, see if I can pull it off, I’ll keep everyone posted.

5) The attendance record is so close I can taste it… this is the closest we have been…currently on pace to beat it


Allllllllllllllllrighty then. Foundation begins a new cycle, and we pin them against the Building group for some conditioning pieces this week! Building & Being round out the final week of their cycle.


Foundation – Back Squat & Pull Ups + AMRAP Vs. Building Group

Building – Front Squat + Press + AMRAP Vs. Foundation Group (Battle for supremacy)



Foundation – Low Impact Day (Midline/Hip Ext./Sled/Bike)

Building – Jumping To The Moon + Snatch + Deadlift + Pull Ups



Foundation – Db Bench & Push Ups + For Time: Bike & Burpees

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Back Squat + Bench + EMOM (Shuttle/Dips/Push Ups)



Foundation – BB Lunges & Chins + Dips & SLRDL + For Time: KBS & Run

Building – Clean + AMRAP: Front Squat & Chins + For Time: KBS & Run



Foundation – Conditioning Intervals (Row/Skip/Box Jump/Bike/Burpees)

Building – Snatch + Db Bench & Row + Midline

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