Week Preview April 22-27

Hi everyone, we are open regular hours Easter Monday!

Saturday we had a really great turnout for our Feats of Strength Event! Very exciting watching everyone try to max out on their best lifts. We were all sad that Ashton hurt his back halfway through warming up his squat, but he was still able to bbq, so that’s all that really matters. Don came out on top again with the best score of the day for his squat and bench press.

Next week we’re gonna take a little break from the heavy lifting and bring our focus back to our Foundation. Remember, if you are still interested in playing with a little CrossFit in your workouts feel free, it’s just not programmed.


Foundation: Sled Drag, Step Ups, Incline Bench, Chin-ups, Heel-elevated Squats


Foundation: RDL, L-sit, Ext. Rotation, Conditioning: Rower or Run

Wednesday – Stretch and Mobility


Foundation: Heavy Sled Push, Split Squat, Calf Raise


Foundation: SL Back Extension, SL Band Pull In, Incline DB Flye, Band Pull Apart


Everyone: Conditioning (Skipping, KBS, Bike, WB) plus stretch

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