Week Preview April 19-24

Hi everyone, I think a lot of you surprised yourselves last week with how much strength you’ve built up in the last 9 weeks. Very impressive effort from everyone in the final week of the last cycle. New cycle starts this week! With it we have the return of the Whiteboard Workout! You can treat it like regular Tuesday conditioning if the thought of going all out in the mask stresses you out.


Seated GM, Garhammers, Rev. Step Ups, Tib Raise, Pigeon + Lifting

Foundation: Bench Press, FS
Building: Pwr Snatch, Back Squat or Clean Pull


Whiteboard Workout/Conditioning


Conditioning and Stretching


TGU, Chins, Sled Drag, Trap 3, CBP + Lifting

Foundation: Hip Thrust, Strict Press
Building: Jerk


SL Calf Raise, Nordic, Band Pull in + Lifting

Everyone: Tempo FS/BS
Building: Snatch


Conditioning or
Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS
Being: HS walk Practice


Open Gym

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