Hey guys, we made it through (what absolutely has to be) the last snow storm of the year. Didn’t close the gym. Got lots of hard work done on those snowy Easter days. Double Baseline was fantastic to watch. So impressed with the effort that went in from everyone who showed up for that. Nick had the best score for RX men but Ben and Troy were very close behind. Cathy and Marley tied for the Rx women’s title and Ashley got the best score in scaled version “A”.
So Easter Monday we’re running regular classes and programming. Partner workout on Saturday and also on Saturday is Cristina’s wedding social!
CBP, Cuban Rotation, Farmer Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch + Lifting
Foundation: Back Squat, Pendlay Row
Building: 3 position Snatch + OHS, Snatch Deadlift
Row, Calf Raise, V-ups, FS, Ring Curl + Conditioning
Stretch and Conditioning
Incline Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 stretch
Foundation: Deadlift, Push Press
Building: 3 position Cl + FS, Back Squat
Sled Push, Seated GM, Leg Raise, Bike, Couch Stretch +
Foundation: Conditioning
Building: Squats, and 10 min AMRAP
Partner Workout: Spy vs. Spy