Week Preview: April 11 – 16

Hi all,

Sorry this is late. That flu bug going around claimed me as a victim this weekend and I spent all Sunday curled up on the couch.

Our CrossFit For The Community event is quickly approaching, we have support from pretty much every gym in the city, so that is nice to see. We are working on the final touches on the events, and they will be released by the end of the week. Looking forward to a fun day!

Alright, Foundation does its last week of RPT Monday, I am sure you are glad to see that! Building adjusts to the soreness of a new cycle in week 2/4.



Foundation – Bench + BSQ + Midline & Upper Body Push/Pull

Building – C&J + FSQ & DB Push Press + DB Bench & Walking Lunge + Push Ups & Jump Squats



Foundation – Sprints! (Row/Sled)

Building – KBS + Bike Sprints + For Time (KBS/Burpees)



Foundation – Landmine Press + RDL + Upper Body Accessory

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch + Sn RDL & Chins + DB Rows & Hip Ext + Ring Rows & Sled Pull



Foundation – Intervals! (Bike/Burpee/Skip/Air Sq/KBS)

Building – Intervals! (Burpee/Rowing/Pcl & Jerk/Box Jump/WB/Bike)



Foundation – FSQ & Chins + Step Ups + Ab Crusher

Building – Weighted Chins/Dips + BB Reverse Lunge & Ring Row + Ab Crusher

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