Week Preview April 1-6

Alright, some of you have been shyly hinting that you miss it, so don’t pretend. Spring is here and RUNNING is back (by Spring I mean it’s hovering around 0 degrees, so make sure you have a sweatshirt to wear)!

Our Building program peaks twice per year. First on April 20th and then a second time in October. So until April 20th we will be removing CrossFit Being programming and focusing entirely on our foundation and lifting (you’ll notice that Back Squats and Deadlift are back and now so is Bench on Saturdays). But feel free to continue to play with the CrossFit movements, or to add in a WOD here or there. It won’t hurt if you miss it and don’t want the break!

On April 20th we will be having a combined Strength event where you pick your two best lifts (choose from the Oly Lifts and/or the Power Lifts) and show everyone what you’ve got!


Foundation: Back Squat, Sled Drag, Incline Bench, Chins, Step up

Building: Add: Front Squat, Clean and Jerk


Foundation: RDL, L-sit, Ext. Rotation – Conditioning: Bike or RUN!!!

Building: Add: Pwr Snatch, Back Squat

Wednesday – Stretch and Mobility


Foundation: Sled Push, Split Squat – Conditioning: Bike or Rower

Building: Add: Pwr Clean & Push Jerks


Foundation: Deadlift, Band Pull In, Incline Flye, Powell Raise

Building: Power Snatch & Front Squat


Foundation: Bench Press, Run or Bike, KBS, Burpees

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

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