Week of Jan 12, 2015

It’s a new cycle for Foundation, and last week of a cycle for Building. Being, you’re in the thick of it right now… hang in there.

Monday & Tuesday – well, you already did those ones. Sorry for the late post, but my computer out at the cabin choked on a ball of dog hair. All resuscitative measures were fruitless. RIP cabin computer.

Foundation – Press + 15 minute AMRAP

Building & Being – Go tobogganing


Foundation – Go for a skate on the river

Building – Clean + Front Squat + Russian Dance meets Spin class OR Ab Ripper X 5000

Being – Heavy snatches, repeated snatches, practicing snatch stuff, and then some handstand walking


Foundation – Deadlift + “LEG DAY” + 5 minutes of babysitting a dumbell

Building – Jerks, Bench, Upper body pump – conditioning and strength editions available

Being – Deadlift + Deadlift based conditioning + Bruce Lee dragon flags


Foundation – Bench + 2 minute interval conditioning with a slight bias toward wall balling

Building – Back squat, deadlift, Row row row

Being – MU emom, HSPU emom, 12 minutes of considering firing Brendan as your program designer


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