Sublime Potluck / 2 Year Anniversary

^^^^^ Can you believe that is what the place looked like 28 days before we opened? ^^^^^^^^^


It is 2 days away.

I did a very poor job of promoting this.

But sounds like we have about 40ish people coming.

I’m pretty excited for the food.


It was brought to my attention that not everyone has ‘the facebook’ so I should put a post on the website about the potluck. Sooooooo here it goes. The Sublime potluck to celebrate you guys, keeping us open, for another year. 2 years we have been around now! Crazy stuff. I realize that this is short notice if you weren’t aware of this before, but really, it is the middle of January, what were you doing this Saturday anyway.

group drop

That is a shot from last years party. Almost all are still with us. Hope to see you all (and a few new faces) this year.

What: Sublime Potluck

Where: Sublime

When: This Saturday, 2pm – After the noon class, the lights dim and the party starts.

Who: You, family, friends… whoever. We had a ton of food last year, should be able to feed the neighbors.

What to bring: Anything! No it doesn’t have to be paleo. No it doesn’t have to be ‘healthy’. I mean, don’t bring like deep fried nanaimo bars…. actually…. if you have them…

We will have some prizes to give away. Brendan starts his stand up comedy routine around 2:30, so don’t be late for that.


See you Saturday!


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