Nov.25 – Dec 1 (Wow it’s December already)


Building – Clean & Jerk + Lactic Power circuits (Includes: Thrusters, KBS, Sled Push, Push up, Pull up)

Foundation – Front Squat & Pull up + Split Squat & Push up



Building – Aerobic Power AMRAP’s (Barbell Based)

Foundation – Low % Aerobic intervals + Ab Ripper X



Building – Congratulate Cedric on his NEW BABY!

Foundation – DB Bench & Pull Up + DB clean & Push press + Mid Line Stability work



Building – Snatch + Back Squat + AirDyne

Foundation – Congratulate Cedric on his NEW BABY



Building – Clean Max + Jerk Max + CrossFit Girl (She’ll make you feel like you’re rowing upstream as she thrusts her way into your heart, then pulls you in for the finish) 😉

Foundation – Split Squat & Goblet Squat + RDL + Sled drags



Building – Snatch Max + Over Head Squat Max + Gymnastic Skill

Foundation – Long Aerobic Intervals

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