March. 10 – 15

It is de-load week for Foundation. Week 2 of 4 for Building.


Foundation – Push Press & Back Squat + Full Body Strength Work

Building – Snatch + Clean & Jerk + Back Squat



Foundation – Aerobic Intervals (Row, Skip, Sled, AD)

Building – Aerobic Intervals ( Box Jump, KBS, Lunge, Push Press, Burpee, DU, Row, Wall Ball…etc)



Foundation – CrossFit Aerobic (Wall Ball, Box Jump, KBS)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch + Clean & Jerk + Back Squat



Foundation – Deadlift + DB Bench + Split Squat (Anyone close to 1/3 body weight per hand yet?)

Building – Low % Aerobic + Mobility Prep for 14.3



Foundation – Aerobic Intervals ( Box Jump, KBS, Lunge, Push Press, Burpee, DU, Row, Wall Ball…etc)

Building – 14.3

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