Jan.6 – 12 …& Some Dates To Keep In Mind

Alright folks, December can often be a month were people fall out of a routine and indulge in life’s pleasantries…. I let it slide, but now January has arrived and I expect to see everyone back in here and back in a routine. If not, I’m gonna be ALL UP IN YOUR GRILL!


^^This is what I imagine you all look like^^


Okay, with that threat out of the way. January is going to be a busy month for our members, here are some dates to keep in mind!

Jan.11 – Undefeated CrossFit Competition (Head down and support our athletes competing!)

Jan. 18 – Sublimes 1yr Potluck Party (Bring friends, family, that friendly homeless man and let us thank you for putting up with us)

Jan. 25 & 26 – FrostFit (Head down to CrossFit Winnipeg and support our athletes competing!)

And now for the weekly program preview:



Building – Snatch + Front Squat + Lactic Power (Thrusters & Burpees)

Foundation – Front Squat + Deadlift + Full Body Strength Work



Building – Max Aerobic Power Circuits ( Pull Ups + Wall Ball + Deadlift + DU)

Foundation – Sled Sprints + Low Percentage Aerobic Circuit (Squats + Skipping + KBS + Row…etc)



Building – Rest

Foundation – Bench Press & Pull Up + Full Body Strength Work



Building – Clean & Jerk + Back Squat + Lactic Power (T2B, OHS, AD)

Foundation – Rest



Building – Snatch Pull + Max Aerobic Power (Box Jump, DU)

Foundation – RDL + DB Bench + Upper Body Strength



Building – Snatch & OHS + Power Clean & Jerk + Front Squat + Gymnastic Skill

Foundation – Max Aerobic Power Intervals (Burpees, Row, AD, KBS)

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