Dec. 9 – 15

This Saturday & Sunday we will be hosting the Big Dawg Winter Challenge. Classes will run as per usual, feel free to stick around after and cheer on your fellow members!


Building – Back Squat + Snatch Pull + AirDyne

Foundation – Front Squat & Pull Up + Full Body Strength Work



Building – Snatch + Power Clean + Max Aerobic Power Circuits

Foundation – Aerobic Circuits



Building – Rest

Foundation – DB Bench + Pull Up + Upper Body Strength Work



Building – Front Squat + Clean Pull + Row

Foundation – Rest


Friday: Those doing Big Dawg Winter Challenge should take this as a rest day

Building – Snatch + Intense Max Aerobic Power

Foundation – Deadlift + Split Squat + AirDyne



Building – Back Squat + Clean & Jerk + Gymnastic Skill

Foundation – Aerobic Circuits

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