Dec.2 – 8

We have the perfect opportunity for those looking to gain some competition experience. The OPT Big Dawg Winter Challenge runs December 14&15 and your Sublime coaches want you to give it a shot! So if you’re in town, then consider signing up (we have a sheet on the front desk). It will be a fun weekend and great opportunity to cut your teeth on a competition. Brendan, Kyle and Brad will be supporting the weekend. Throughout we will have chances to talk about how to warm up and fuel and recover from competitions. Nothing terribly serious, but should be a great learning opportunity for all. For a little more information. Please ask your coaches about it.


Building – Clean & Jerk + Barbell Based Lactate Power intervals + Gymnastic Based AMRAPs

Foundation – Front Squat & Pull Up + RDL & Push Up


Building – Non Barbell Based Short Aerobic circuits

Foundation – Long Aerobic Circuit + Ab Work


Building – Rest

Foundation – DB Bench & Pull Up + Upper Body Strength Work


Building – Snatch + Snatch accessory work + Back Squat + Row

Foundation – Rest


Building – Clean + Jerk + A Previous Opens Workout ( 7 Mins of cleaning for a Jerk that has you heels over head…..)

Foundation – Deadlift + Split Squat & Goblet Squat + AirDyne


Building – Snatch Balance + Snatch + Gymnastic Skill

Foundation – Aerobic Intervals

1 Comment

  • BrendanSonnichsen

    December 3, 2013 @ 1:34 pm

    That pic is awesome.

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