CrossFit For Choices Final Update & Workouts!!!

Hey guys,

So here it is, the final update!

The Workouts:

Workout 1:
Relay race
10 KB swings (55/35)
10 burpees
100ft sled push
Add 10 or 15# plate to sled

The men of the team will be on one side with a 55# Kettle Bell & 15# plates. The women on the opposite side with a 35# Kettle Bell & 10# plates. At the count of 3-2-1.. the first female team member begins the KBS & Burpees, once completed they will push the sled (already loaded with a 10# plate) to the opposite side. Upon reaching the other side the first male member may only begin the Kettle Bell Swings once a 15# plate has been placed on the sled. This continues until the final team member has crossed the finish line.


Workout 2:

The team begins with one barbell loaded to 135#… ONE PERSON WORKS AT A TIME. Each team member does one set of 15 Reps.

Person 1 does 15 power cleans
Person 2 does 15 deadlifts
Person 3 does 15 bar facing burpees
Person 4 does 15 deadlifts
Then, once the final deadlift has been completed the team moves on. Here, ALL TEAM MEMBERS ARE WORKING AT ONCE. Upon completion of your station, you must TAKE A KNEE, WHEN ALL TEAM MEMBERS ARE KNEELING, the team rotates to the next station and begins again. Repeating this until each member has completed each station.
Station 1: 30 wall ball (14#)
Station 2: 30 goblet reverse lunges (35#)
Station 3: 300m row
Station 4: 30 box jump step down (20′)

2 people each do 50 air squats (SIMULTANEOUSLY)

– Team members must double high five at the top of each rep. Patty cake style.
2 people each do 20 burpees (SIMULTANEOUSLY)

– Again, team members must double high five at the top of each rep. PATTY CAKE STYLE. Extra points for the song.
Then TIME!


Day Schedule:

Here is how the day will break down, of course we have the chance of running over time but I’m pretty awesome at this stuff and I am being very generous with the time sooooooooooo I can’t see us going later than 2pm… I’m kind of a big deal, people know me.
9:30 – 10:00am : Registration/briefing

Please arrive at the gym around 9:30. Members from the school will be on site to collect team donations. Please bring donation on the morning of the event and pay all together as a team to make it easy on those collecting, they are able to issue individual tax receipts if requested. Donation is a minimum $100, checks should be made out to The Children’s Heritage Fund.

Once you have dropped off donation, make your way across the street to the park where event 1 will take place. Rain is always a possibility and the weather man is as good at predicting the weather as Dave Castro is at programming (BURN)… so the plan is to be outside for event 1 unless the weather is so bad that even a duck wouldn’t workout in it. Please dress accordingly! We have turf in doors, so we do have a back up plan 🙂

10:15am – 11:00am : Event 1

Heat 1:
Sublime (Tim Skelly)
Get Ripped Or WOD Trying
Ultimate Warriors
Top Notch Belles and Balls

Heat 2:
Prairie CrossFit (Shane)
LDF (Lynne)
The Old and The Beautiful
Shop Gym (Kirsta)

Heat 3:
CFW (Quinn)
Kettle Bellas and Fellas
Sublime (Brendan)
Snatchtastic Four

Heat 4:
Bare Naked Burpees
Bear Naked Complex
Sublime (Melissa)
Undefeated (Justin)

Heat 5:
Shinobi (Rich)
Jerk Now, Clean Later
Sublime (Scott Rand)
Sublime (Bernard)
12:00 – 2:00pm : Event 2

Heats will remain same as Event 1!

1 Comment

  • BrendanSonnichsen

    May 22, 2014 @ 2:48 am

    I say “here’s the rough draft of the workouts, tweak them where you see fit….” And he adds “patty cake” [smacking forehead] 🙂

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