CrossFit For Choices – May 25

Yes, I am still calling it CrossFit For Choices. Mainly because it has a nice ring to it, also because everyone has been calling it that anyway. So it lives on!

It is a shame that the program no longer exists. I have volunteered with several organizations, but none that I believed in more than Choices. It was a program that created direct contact with kids that needed it, a very “hands on” approach to making a difference. We were playing dodge ball (I was so awesome at dodge-ball, those 10 year olds didn’t stand a chance) and helping them with homework, I am trying to create a fundraiser based off that principle.

That is why this event is important to me, we have a local opportunity to directly improve someones life. I contacted Kasia and asked what we could do now that Choices was no longer around to help. She then talked to William Whyte, the most impoverished school she worked with during her time with Choices. Which is great because it was also the school that I was in during my time with the program. Anyway, she set it up so that all the money raised will go directly to the kids. Whatever we raise will go towards purchasing the kids sports equipment/shoes etc.. Just to be clear, this doesn’t go to the school (as they have a budget for this), the money raised goes directly to the kids. They will get their own personal sports equipment.

On the day of the event, if you get a chance please tell Kasia that she is an amazing person. She does so much for our inner city youth. None of the flashy stuff you will see on the news, she is out there putting in long hours with very little reward. She is the kind of person that deserves a statue, but for now a handshake and a kind word would go a long way I’m sure.

Now, you guys! I think it took about two weeks for me to have 20 teams, if Sublime was a larger facility we could have had 30. I am still receiving emails, from people requesting a spot. It was an incredible response, thank you for that.

Here are the details of the day!

– The first event will begin at 10:00 am and the day will end roughly at 2pm. Please arrive around 9:30am.

– The day will consist of two workouts (one possibly outdoors, weather permitting)
– Workouts will be released days before
– $100 minimum donation is what we are asking for from each team
– If writing a cheque please make it out to The Children’s Heritage Fund
– Tax receipts will be available
– To keep us on schedule I would prefer to collect donations on the days leading up to the event, so I will be contacting team captains over the next 2 weeks.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask if anyone is interested in volunteering for the day, I will be looking for “judges”… I use that term loosely because this event is for fun and the judging role would largely consist of cheering/counting reps. If so please send an email to For those teams on the wait list, if I have drop outs I will be in touch! I am sure I forgot some details and you will have questions, please ask away!

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