Week Preview: Dec.18 – 23

Week 2/3! Some stuff stays the same, some stuff changes, with the busy Holiday season don’t forget to make a little time for yourself and get in for a workout (or 5 🙂 ) this week! Holiday hours kick in next week: We will be closed on Monday, December 25. A team workout on Tuesday, […]

Week Preview: Dec.11-16

High five for another cycle well done! Some December dates you should be aware of! Tuesday, December 12th we have a free trial Bootcamp class. It’ll be a sweaty hour of fun! Email claire@sublimesc.com to reserve a spot. On Sunday, December 17th Claire will run a free trial Yoga class. To reserve a spot shoot […]

Week Preview: Dec.4-9

Hello everybody! We made it to De-Load week! Here we will see less intense versions of our lifts (RDL in for Deadlifts and Inc Bench in for regular Bench….etc), and we will pull off from the tough conditioning testers you completed this past week to give everyone a chance to rest and recover. Our On […]

Week Preview: Nov.27 – Dec.2

Hello all and welcome to the final week of our cycle! We will be finding 3 Rep Maxes in the Bench/Deadlift/BSQ and Re-Testing some conditioning pieces we did at the start of this cycle 8 weeks ago. Make sure you get some good sleep, maybe over eat a little :), and come with some energy! […]

Week Preview: November 20-25

Another Sublime Saturday Series Event in the books! The Hopper spit out a nasty workout for the Saturday crew to tackle! And tackle it they did…nice job everyone! Here comes week 7! Reps continue to drop as the weights climb! Monday: Foundation – Bench + Chins + Tabata Mash Up Building – Snatch + Jerk […]

Week Preview: Nov.13-18

Hello all, hope you had yourselves a nice little weekend. We are back with week 6/9, reps will drop this week as we look to move more weight. Really enjoyed watching the effort in the Tuesday & Friday workouts, you all keep exceeding our expectations. Evo punched out 126 burpees, which looked unbeatable until Lupe […]

Week Preview: Nov.6-11

Special shout out to our Sublime Ladies that gutted out a fun competition Saturday morning. Cathy, Cristy, Claire, and even Stacie jumped in on the action to raise funds for breast cancer treatment. Great cause and great work ladies! We slide into the second phase of our current cycle, which means the reps creep back […]

Week Preview: Oct.30-Nov.4

We have reached De-Load Week! We will pull up on the volume but give you an opportunity to move around some heavy weights in the process. Three Sublime ladies will be participating in a fundraiser for breast cancer this Saturday at Prairie Crossfit. Claire, Cathy, and Cristy get to work at 9:35 / 10:51 / […]

Week Preview: Oct. 23-28

Alrrrrrrrrighty another week is upon us! We enter week 3 of our current cycle and continue to build with the intensity in our accumulation phase, meaning you will see fewer reps on some movements once again this week! Great work by all those who came out for the Sublime Saturday Series Double Baseline Event! Coach […]

Week Preview: Oct. 16-21

Alright, how did that first week feel!?! A little rough with the compressed schedule I know, but now we can slide into our regular routine. We will slightly increase the intensity by dropping the reps on a few movements, and we bring in BSQ to replace the Friday Lunges. Make sure to get in on […]