Author: Claire Walsh

Capital Arr Capital Em — the dreaded “RM”

What is an RM? An “RM” stands for “Rep Max”. It’s usually preceded by a number. So, a “3RM” would be a 3-rep-max. This is typically understood to be “the most amount of weight I can lift for 3 reps”, but when translated as “A weight I can lift for a maximum of 3 reps” […]

Parking Notes + Week Preview for Sept 8 – 13

Great work on the first week of our new cycle! It has been a lot of fun watching these big numbers, especially in the squat. That was the one we were really interested in!   As of right now Leslie and Megan sit 26/66 at the Bridge City Beat Down. Keep it up ladies! Reminder: […]

Getting Warm(er)…

I confess that warming-up has never been something I’ve really enjoyed. I like doing the work I’ve planned and checking those items off as I go. Warming up has always been an obstacle for me… to the point that I’ve nearly missed workouts because I procrastinated so much on getting started with my warm-up. So, […]

Sublime BBQ Bonanza!

Heeeeeeellllllllllooooooooooooooo! Hope everyone had an amazing summer. I’m finally starting to see some faces that have been missing around the gym the past few months and the attendance has slowly started to creep back up, which is encouraging. Yes the days are getting shorter, the mornings are colder, and the 6 pack you had back […]

Week Preview, Sep 1, 2014

Congrats to Tyler and Chelsea on hitching up this weekend! (someone send us pictures) Congrats to Matt on representing Sublime at a TOUGH competition this past weekend in Calgary. Welcome back to our summer vacationers! We’re starting a whole new mesocycle this week! Lots of changes for both groups. Monday Closed for the Long weekend. […]


This article is mainly targeted at our Building group, but there are some great take-aways for the Foundation crew as well. So… some of you are not having the greatest time with the structural gymnastic strength work I’ve been prescribing. Face hovering just inches off a dusty gym floor, entire body shaking, fighting as hard […]

Couple Notes + Weekly Preview Aug. 25 – 30

Hello everyone! I saw a nice increase in attendance this week, keep it up! Hope to see more of you here this week! Thanks to those who came out on Saturday and: 1) put up with my madness 2) survived “The Pit” First off, Sublime is hosting a BBQ and we would love it if […]

A Few Words From A Fan Favourite : Dawny

Everyone knows Dawny! She didn’t take long to dive right into our community and become an important member of Sublime. She is incredibly supportive of fellow members, even taking it so far that when the “Sublime Power Couple” were without water for months, she made a home cooked meal and brought it to them at […]

Week Preview – August 18 – 23

Week 3/3 for both groups!   Monday: Foundation – BB Reverse Lunge + UB Pull + Dips & Partials & Curls + ABS!!!!! Building – Snatch Complex + Clean & Jerk Heavy + BSQ   Tuesday: Foundation – Beautiful Lactic Power Work (AD, KBS, Sled, Burpee, Run, Wall Ball, Box Jump) Building – Gymnastic Intervals […]

Did You Miss Me?

I’m Back! . Yes I have returned from my vision quest. I have seen many things, I’ve changed. Oh the things I have seen! The world is a deep, dark and scary place. A much darker Kyle has returned to Sublime. No more smiles and “how’s it goings?”…. No I can’t be that guy anymore. […]