[notice]Something to put on your radar! Saturday Feb 9 will be a Nutrition 101 day. We will likely do this in lieu of our regularly scheduled Saturday workout. Plan for 9AM Saturday to come down and learn some simple basics to get your nutrition dialed for performance and sexiness. This will be led by Brendan. There is NO FEE for our regular members. We feel this is intrinsically important to our goals of LEAN, MOBILE & BALANCED for this foundational phase of programming. Sorry, not open to the public.[/notice]
This week is all about assessment.
On Monday we spent 90% of the time taking athletes through mobility & flexibility assessments and then finished off with Sublime’s Baseline Test. I’m still tabulating the data but man am I ever excited to have this at my fingertips.
I have written nearly 1000 group workouts in the past. I have NEVER had data like this to base my program on. We simply didn’t have the tools, the time, the structure, or the understanding to make it possible or to make it a priority.
Now it is the first process new members will undergo, and the data will go directly into the same software that fills me in on the status of the group so that I can adjust the direction of programming as necessary.
Anyway, now that we’ve got the “laboratory” battery of assessments out of the way, this week will continue on with some physical capacity tests (and yeah, that data is part of the assessment too). E.g. today, we unleashed our athletes on some barbells for some deadlift testing. The tiger cubs are growing more dangerous already!