Week Preview April 28 – May 3

Testing is over! It was an awesome two weeks, with lots of new personal records. The day that stood out the most for me was the baseline test… So many people had huge gains. Whether it was reaching 40cals, getting to the push ups, getting a bunch of push ups when you only had 2 last time, or getting that one pull up this time. It was great.

New phase for Foundation. Building begins week 2/3.





Foundation – Press + Deadlift + Split Squat + Upper body strength

Building – Snatch + Snatch Accessory + Back Squat



Foundation – We’re getting into the Lactic training, find your dark place (AD, Sled, Row)

Building – Power Clean + Clean Accessory & HSPU + EMOTM (Pull Up, Power Clean, Burpees)



Foundation – Back Squat + CrossFit Aerobic (Burpees, KBS)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch + Snatch Grip BTN Press + Back Squat + GWM Grinder (MU, KBS, Run) Dress warm 6am!



Foundation – Back Squat + Full Body Strength

Building – Clean & Jerk + Friday Swole Bench Press + Back Squat



Foundation & Building – Burpees & Running + Row & Box Jump

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