Week Preview April 12-17

Hi everyone, this is the last week of this cycle. So last week of these Foundation barbell strength movements. There’s been so much progress since we reopened. This week you get to lift HEAVY and see what you can do. For Building we’re gonna try to max out the jerk and Foundation if you’re feeling ready you can try the squat or deadlift. As per usual, we’ve got our tempo FS/BS combo on Friday so see where we’ve come with that.


Incline Flye, Trap 3, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep Press + Lifting

Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back Squat
Building: Pwr Clean, Back Squat or Clean Grip DL


Deep Walking Lunge, Tib Raise, Back Extn., band hip flexion, Wall Slides + Conditioning


Conditioning and mobility


KB Squat, CGBP or Ring Dip, DB Row, Sled Push/pull, Couch Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Deadlift, Push Press
Building: Jerk


SL Calf Raise, Nordic, Garhammer, Split Squat + Lifting

Everyone: Tempo FS/BS
Building: Snatch


Partner Workout or

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: HS walk Practice, DU’s


Open Gym

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