Sublime Party (Opens Wind Up) & Program Preview March 24-29

Hey everyone,

The opens wrap up this week so we wanted to celebrate with everyone! This is for all members, not just those who participated in the opens these past few weeks… I want to see what you all look like when you aren’t wearing sweatpants, except for Rand because I know he will wear sweatpants there anyway. Party will be in Finn’s Pub at the forks… 2nd floor Johnston Terminal, Saturday March 29th @7pm (right before you start the whole 30, right!?) . Bring your family, bring a friend, or 2 friends if you’re that popular. Lets party.


But first, lets workout:



Foundation – Front Squat + Pull Up + DB Bench & TGU

Building – Barbell Complex (Clean, Thruster, Front Squat) + Back Squat



Foundation – Aerobic Circuits (KBS, Wall Ball, Box Jumps, Burpees)

Building – Same as Foundation



Foundation – Lactic Power (Row, Sled, EZ AirDyne)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Barbell Complex (Clean, Thruster, Jerk) + Back Squat + Lactic Power (Burpees & AD)



Foundation – Deadlift + Bench + DB Split Squat & TGU

Building – Low % Aerobic + Prep For 14.5



Foundation – CrossFit Aerobic (KBS, Bear Crawl, Side Plank, Sit Ups)

Building – 14.5


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