Week Preview March. 3rd – 9

Well that was fun! Nice work on 14.1 everyone… New phase for Building now as we continue on with the opens.

jenn drop



Foundation – Push Press & Pull Up + Back Squat + Full body strength work

Building – Moderate lifting (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Back Squat)



Foundation – Aerobic Intervals (Row, AirDyne, Sled Push)

Building – Aerobic Circuits at Moderate Power output (lunges, DU, Push Press, KBS, Bench Press… etc)



Foundation – CrossFit Aerobic (Wall Ball, KBS, Box Jump, Push Press, Row)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Moderate lifting (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Back Squat) + Lactic Power intervals (Row)



Foundation – RDL + DB Bench + Split Squat

Building – Low % Aerobic + Prep for Open workout



Foundation – Aerobic Circuits (KBS, Push Up, Row, Squat, AD… etc

Building – Open 14.2

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