Week Preview January 11-15

HIIIII!! So, you know, here we go again. After the announcement on Friday Jen told me that if we’ve all been hanging in here for this long we can certainly hang in for a little longer. And it was a very good reminder because it’s true.

Maybe you’ve noticed that some of our weeks have seemed to have themes where we really dig in to a certain movement, like Turkish Getups or burpees for instance. Well. . . this week it’s sit ups.




Floor Press, Sissy Squats, Jefferson Curls, Split Squats, Couch Stretch + AMRAP Glute burner
Zoom: 9:00 am, 3:45 pm  


Steady state aerobic activity of your choice plus stretch and mobility


WB Workout!
Zoom: 9:00 am, 3:45 pm  


Skipping, DB Shoulder Press, Row, Goblet Squat, 90/90 Hip Stretch + EMOM
Zoom: 9:00 am

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