Dec.23 – 29


The Grinch from Brendan Sonnichsen on Vimeo.



Building – Front Squat + Snatch + Clean Pull + AirDyne

Foundation – Front Squat + Deadlift + Full Body Strength Work



Aerobic Circuits

Building & Foundation – “THE GRINCH”


Wednesday: Merry Christmas everyone!

Building – Rest

Foundation – Home workout: 12 Min AMRAP Push ups – every time you break do 15 sit ups



Building – Home Workout: 5 RDS for total time – 20 Burpees (Rest as needed between rounds)

Foundation – Rest



Building – Front Squat + Clean & Jerk + Intense Max Aerobic Power

Foundation – Romanian Deadlift + Full Body Strength Work



Building – Snatch & Overhead Squat + Clean & Jerk + Back Squat + Gymnastic Skill

Foundation – Max Aerobic Power Intervals


  • SuperBean

    December 21, 2013 @ 8:59 pm

    All I have to say about the Grinch:
    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! It’s been so long, my green, furry friend!  I’m glad you made a comeback to Sublime this year 😉

  • bso

    December 22, 2013 @ 1:02 am

    The Grinch’s training program has changed a bit since 2008. Let me know what you think of this year’s regimen when you get a chance to try it. Oh, and practice your Grinch faces!

  • SuperBean

    December 22, 2013 @ 9:55 pm

    I bet his training program has changed significantly!  I look forward to his modern take on his classic workout 🙂

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