Week Preview Nov. 2-7

Hi everyone, so if you haven’t checked your email yet, go have a look. I sent out the details of how we’re gonna have to address the new restrictions.

So back to our program we’ve been working away at so diligently for the past 6 months. Yes, it’s been almost 6 months since we reopened! Our six month strength program peak is coming up on November 14th. We will mark that with our Sublime Saturday – Feats of Strength where you will be able to pick your two favourite, either power lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press) or oly lifts (snatch, clean, jerk), and try to see what your max is. It’s a super fun, exciting time – so go sign up!

We’ll run two sessions to try to accommodate the most people. Also if you think that this is a bit intimidating but would still like to hang out and watch and cheer you can sign up too


WB Workout!


Sled Push Pull, Curlz, Tricep Extn, Goblet Squats + Lifting

Foundation: Seal Row and Back Squat

Building: Clean & Jerk, Back Squat


Conditioning + Stretching


Rev Step ups, Sled Drag, Ring Dip or Incline Bench, Ring Row + Conditioning


Cross Bench Pullover, L-sit, Trap 3, Jefferson Curl, Cossack + Lifting

Foundation: OH Squat, Sumo Deadlift

Building: Clean & Jerk, FS


Foundation: Bench Press + Conditioning

Building: Snatch, CJ, FS

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