Dec. 16 – 21


Goes without saying…Rest day for Big Dawg Competitors. Deload week for Foundation.

Building – Snatch + Back Squat + AirDyne

Foundation – Front Squat & Pull Up + Full Body Strength



Building – Clean Pull + Max Aerobic Power circuits

Foundation – Aerobic Circuit + Ab Chiseling sessions



Building – Rest

Foundation – Db Bench + Turkish Delight Get Ups + EZ AD/Row



Building – Back Squat + Clean & Jerk + Row

Foundation – Rest



Building – Snatch Pull + Intense Max Aerobic Power (Burpee, KBS, Box Jump, Row, AD Oh My)

Foundation – RFESS + RDL + EZ Sled Drag + Foam Roll & Stretch AMRAP



Building – Snatch + Overhead Squat + Power Clean & Jerk + Front Squat + Gymnastic skill

Foundation – Aerobic Intervals ( AD, Wall Ball, Burpee, Jump Rope, Push Ups…. I could go on and on)


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