Workshop: How to do the things you want to do.

Hey everyone! So remember when I said that I was really excited about this workshop that Brendan and I are putting on?? Well I think he might be even more excited about it than I am. We actually only have a few spots left and I wanted to get this info from him out to you before it’s full. Here he is to give you a bit of background on who he is and about the workshop:

Some of you will know me well, and some of you might not have any idea who I am. For the benefit of that second group, a quick intro: I was one of the founding owners of Sublime Strength & Conditioning. It was my 3rd gym start-up. I’ve been coaching strength and conditioning since 2004 when I started coaching my friends in CrossFit at the local playground.  

Helping others achieve their potential in health and fitness has been an outright obsession for me for over 16 years.

Now for the update: A few years ago I felt the need to focus my efforts on my training as an Advanced Care Paramedic. It was my last year of a 3 year training program, and things were about to get very intense. Balancing a full-time job, a very demanding education program (with high stakes!!), being a business owner, being a coach, and still finding time to be a husband, dad, friend, etc…. well, it was just getting to be a bit too much for me. It was not an easy choice, but it was then that I decided to step out of ownership at Sublime.  It was definitely not for lack of love for this project and this community.

I stayed in touch with Claire as she was moving into taking on ownership of the business and have been doing my best to support her along the way. Up until May 2019 I was still involved in program design and coaching classes at the gym. Since then, Claire and I meet regularly to bounce around ideas for how to nurture the flourishing of this community.

In May 2019 was when I felt the need to take a bit of a “sabbatical” from coaching classes. I was taking two courses at the time (chipping away at my “40 year bachelor degree” and expanding my coaching education at the same time). I was feeling pressed for time again, but even more than that, I was feeling a pull toward a new kind of coaching.

Since February 2019 I have been studying habit and goal coaching via a program called Optimize Coach. I graduated with level 1 in December last year, and am closing in on Level 2 grad in just a few more months.

Now, I absolutely LOVE designing fun and effective exercise routines and helping people achieve their goals. So, I don’t even know how to describe the LOVE I’ve discovered in helping people design habits, craft their identity, overcome obstacles and, ultimately, become the best possible versions of themselves.

It’s, like, 10 times the amount of love I have for program design and fitness coaching. That’s a whole lotta love.

So, that leads me to the ultimate reason for writing today. The most natural extension of my combined love for Sublime and my love for this new type of coaching, was to find a way to bring the coaching to the community. So, on October 21 at 6:30 PM we are going to kick off a little something called the Sublime Life Project Workshop Series.

In this first session of the Sublime Life Project we are going to tackle a concept called Behaviour Design. Have you ever felt like you have a clear idea of what you’d like to accomplish, but can’t seem to get yourself to stick to the plan that would accomplish it? Have you ever chastised yourself for not having the willpower or discipline to do the things you want to do?

I’ve got a news flash for you… well, actually, two news flashes…

1. Welcome to our COMMON HUMANITY. Everyone struggles with motivation and willpower, even those who seem like they do not.

2. Therefore, this is NOT a character issue… it’s a behaviour design issue.

In this 2 hour workshop we are going to tackle some basic theory and then move into a VERY PRACTICAL, hands-on, behaviour design practice.

Just by following along with us you will leave this workshop with an individualized set of behaviours for your specific goals. And you’ll be able to start implementing them into your life immediately.

Even more importantly, you’ll develop some new skills that can help you design your way into becoming or accomplishing anything you want in the future.

Weight loss or gain? Yup.

A muscle-up? Yup.

More wealth / health / friends / etc.? Yes!

Less stress? Yes, this too.

The cost of the workshop is $35. Space is limited based on COVID separation requirements, so, please set aside the date to join us on this “Sublime Life Project” journey! You can reserve a spot for the workshop by signing up on MindBody or by emailing Claire:

And, if you have any questions then shoot me an email at

I’m really excited to plug back in with the Sublime community in this new way!

My best and kindest regards to you all,

Brendan Sonnichsen
Optimize Coach

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