Weightlifting Workshop

marilou_dozois-prevost1Brendan will be leading an Olympic Weightlifting workshop this Saturday 12-2. The intent is to give a “ground up” overview of the lifts. Whether you are considering transferring from Foundation to Building, or are already a Building athlete that wants to work on your skills, this workshop will be relevant to you. Space is limited to 22 athletes (12 women max due to equipment limitations).

* no chronic/acute shoulder injuries
* confidence/competence in front squat position
* no weightlifting experience necessary


  • Tapout

    November 12, 2013 @ 3:32 am

    Can I sign up but only stay for the first hour?

  • BrendanSonnichsen

    November 14, 2013 @ 12:19 am

    Tapout For you I think that would be ok. Gotta get to 204 on time!!

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