Week Preview March 9-14

Coach Stacie offered to take over the weekly blog this week so she could add her own personal touch. So, voila:

It’s an exciting week up ahead—a deload week, the last week of this cycle AND we have a Sublime Saturday event that falls on the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day. 

In honour of such a hallowed event, we’ll be headed to Kings Head Pub that night to celebrate our achievements from earlier that morning and for an early St. Paddy’s celebration.  So if anybody asks you what you’re doing on Saturday morning:

And how will you be training for the big event later that night you may ask?  Well, as you may have noticed lately, we are not giving away the workout until the morning of.  It’s not to mess with you, it’s basically just to give me an outlet for my flair for unveiling things.  I don’t get to do it often, so let’s just hope that it goes over at least a little better than Elon Musk at an indestructible truck unveiling this time.  But I will tell you this:

  1. Coaches Scotty and Ludo came up with the workout—and they will be there to do the workout (yes, Coach Ludo will put in one of his rare “early” morning appearances, so this is OBVIOUSLY an event you don’t want to miss). If you don’t like it, you can talk to Coach Ludo.  But let’s be serious.  You WILL like it.  And also, who would actually want to call Coach Ludo out about anything. 
  2. You’ll be working in teams of three.  So grab your buddies from your time slot and put together your own team ahead of time.  If you don’t have a team, I will make one for you. It may even have to include me if necessary.  You’re welcome. Either way for goodness sake GO SIGN UP in advance so we don’t have to figure it out at the last minute.
  3. Those of you who grew up in my generation will understand that you don’t go chasing waterfalls, but that’s exactly what we’re going to do Saturday morning.  If you have no idea what that means, show up on Saturday, and I’ll explain the workout AND ‘90’s pop culture.  Guaranteed, there will be some TLC playing during the warm up (I can’t play it during the workout, because apparently pop puts Coach Claire off of her game.  Fortunately, good old punk music doesn’t, which pairs well with our overall theme anyway. So also brace yourselves for a lot of Celtic punk inspired music for the rest of the morning).

So, if that doesn’t just explain it all…perfect!  I’ll see you Saturday morning and you’ll get it then.  Oh, and I’d be in a lot of trouble if I didn’t let you know ahead of time that Ashley expects everyone to be wearing green.  So if Brenda doesn’t have a green bandana, somebody better find her one ASAP.  Scotty and Ludo may not wear green because. . .

Who could blame them?

And then of course, we’ll see you all at the Kings Head that night.  Will there be green beer?  It’s been a heated topic of discussion for weeks, and the only way to find out is to show up.  Will Evo show up with snacks?  I sure hope so.  Will Coach Claire find anyone to play darts with her?  Or will we all want to do yoga instead?

This is my only kind of yoga.

Anywho…here’s what to expect for the rest of the deload week:

Foundation leggggggs workout while bringing out your inner Superman.  Building can add in some power snatches and clean and jerks. And everyone can end the day off with some abs.

Conditionnnnning! There are two options here based on your skills and priorities, so pick your poison (or we will pick it for you).

You can get a head start on reminiscing about great ‘90s pop songs with a little Around the World, and then some streeeeeeetching.

Don’t be that guy.

Some pressing and pulling Foundation movements, and then either some body weight or barbell conditioning.

Whiteboard workout.  Don’t get worked up about it, it’ll be on the board when you get there.

Sublime Saturday Teams of Three with yours truly. You’re welcome for all of the 90’s pop songs that you won’t be able to get out of your head for the next week now.  See you Saturday!!!!

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