Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! Testing is completely over now and if you haven’t already done so please visit the Sublime Facebook Members page and enter your results. Or I will email those who are not on the page.

This week we introduce new classes as well as the Saturday, 11am Yoga Class with Caitlin.

Also, for those of you who have expressed interest about moving from foundation to building, now is the time to make the switch. I wanted you to wait until the testing phase was over and we had started a new cycle.


Eat. Rest. Recover.


Building- 3 Position Snatch + Back Squat + Row based aerobic work

Foundation – Muscle Snatch Technique work + Front Squat + AirDyne sprint/ Strength circuit


Building – Rest/ Skill or Z1 work

Foundation – Press + Deadlift + Lunges


Building – Snatch + Press + Full Body Strength Work

Foundation – Rest/Skill or Z1 Work


Building – 3 Position Clean & Jerk + Back Squat & Muscle up work + Row Sprints

Foundation – Deadlift + Back Squat & Pull up work + Row Sprints


Building – Tough AMRAP’s — Push Press/T2B/Power Clean/ Double unders….etc

Foundation – Tough AMRAP’s — Push Press/Goblet Squat/ Double unders….etc

1 Comment

  • DanielleRitchot

    October 17, 2013 @ 3:21 pm

    Hello! I have two thoughts right now. Number one: I think you forgot to include the AD sprints on Wednesday’s description;) Was this intentional? haha. Number two: My everything hurts. Okay, I lied. I have another thought. Number three: Errr, wait, hold up, number two was just worthy of being repeated;)

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