Week Preview Sept 30 – Oct 5

Hi everyone, Crossfit Open begins on Thanksgiving long weekend. We’ve decided to do the Open Workouts on Sundays this time to try something new. There will be scaled versions just like when we did it in February so everyone can participate! The gym will open at 10 and we will do the workouts at 11.


Everyone: Whiteboard Workout


Foundation: Sled Push/Pull, Curls, Back Squat, Tricep Extn., Goblet Squats

Building: C&J, Back Squat

Being: Deadlifts, Power Cleans, S2O


Everyone: Conditioning, and Stretch


Foundation: Step Ups, Sled Drag, Ring Dips or Incline Bench, Ring Row, Rowing

Building: Snatch, Front Squat

Being: HSPU’s, Box Jumps, Rope Climb


Foundation: Deadlift, Cross Bench Pullover, Straddle L-sit, Trap 3 Raise, Jefferson Curl

Building: Pwr Clean, Push Jerk

Being: Pullups, Tuck ups, Russian Twist


Foundation: Bench Press, Bike, KBS, BJSD

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

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