Hope everyone had a great long weekend!


Building – Clean & Jerk (First Pull Focus) + Aerobic intervals (Will you be mad if I say it will be harder than last week?)

Foundation – RDL paired with a gymnastic pressing motion + Full body strength/conditioning work


Building – Rest OR …… Row

Foundation – Chin up work + Aerobic intervals (Hint…. it will be hard)


Building – Snatch (If I don’t see vertical shins by now…. it’s nothing but AirDyne sprints from here on out) + Back Squat & Full body Strength work

Foundation – Rest OR …… Row


Building – More Every Minute on the Minute fun: Power Clean + Hand stand push up + Double Unders aaaaaaand Dip work (Put your hand up on my hip when I…)

Foundation – Front Squat & Full Body Strength work


We have had requests to continue with the park worindexkouts into September so we will do that again this week. We are tossing around the idea of park workouts + free gym Saturdays for the month…. I’ll be speaking to members around the gym this week to gauge interest so please let me know!

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