Week Preview July 22-27

Deload is over! Lifting is back. The Whiteboard Workout is on Thursday.


Foundation: Seated Good Morning, Garhammers, Step-ups, Tib Raise, Pigeon

Building: Hi Hang Power Snatch, Halting Snatch DL or Back Squat

Being: Hang Snatch, Box Jump Over, Bar MU


Foundation: Turkish Get up, Chin-ups, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Trap 3 Raise, Cross Bench Pullover

Building: Push Press

Being: TnG Power Clean, T2B, Handstand Walk


Foundation: Conditioning & Stretch


Everyone: Whiteboard Workout!!

Being: Add HSPU’s & peg board, rope climb or ring pull ups


Foundation: Band Pull In, Nordic Curl, DB Calf Raise, Tempo Front/Back Squats

Building: Hi Hang Pwr Clean

Being: C2B, S2O


Conditioning: Steady pace – bike, skipping, BJSD etc

Lifting: Snatch, CJ

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