Week Preview June 24-29

Whoa, there’s a lot going on in the programming this week! Plus we’re back to running several times. So many things to choose from. Keep in mind you do not have to do everything and please ask your coach for recommendations if you’re not sure where you want to focus your efforts.


Foundation: Incline Flye, Trap-3 Raise, Sled Drag, Bicep Curl & Tricep Press

Building: Jerk

Being: AMRAP: Snatch, OHS, Thursters, Pull ups, Burpees


Foundation: Interval Sublime Mile, Walking Lunges, Tib Raise, Back Ext, Hip Flexion

Building: Power Clean, Clean Grip DL or Back Squat

Being: HSPU’s, DU’s, Broad Jump


Conditioning & Stretch- Ruuunnning, TTB, Pwr Cleans or FS


Foundation: Row or Bike, CGBP or Ring Dip, DB Row, Sled Push/Pull, Couch Stretch

Building: Jerk

Being: MU’s, HSPUs, SA DB OH Lunges


Foundation: Calf Raise, Nordic Curl, Garhammer, Tempo Front and Back Squat

Building: Snatch

Being: Handstand Walks, DU’s


Conditioning: Partner Workout

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: AMRAP30

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