Week Preview May 13-20

We’re open all of the long weekend with a holiday workout with Coach Stacie on Monday at 9:30.

Here’s what’s comin’ up!


Foundation: Sublime Mile/intervals, Incline Flye, Trap 3 Raise, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep Ext.

Building: Push Press

Being: HSPU’s, DU’s


Foundation: Walking Lunges, Tib Raise, SL Back Extension, Band Pull In

Building: Hi Hang Pwr Snatch + Sn Deadlift or Back Sq

Being: Thrusters, Box Jumps, Burpees

Wednesday – Stretch and Mobility


Foundation: Row or Bike, CGBP or Ring Dips, DB Row, Sled Push/Pull, Couch Stretch

Building: Push Press

Being: MU’s, DU’s, DB Snatch


Foundation: Calf Raise, Nordic Curls, Garhammer, Tempo Squats

Building: Hi Hang Pwr Clean, Cln Deadlift or Back Squat


Conditioning: WB, KBS, Bike, Row, Burpees, Sled

Lifting: Snatch, CJ

Being: Add Handstand work to either Lifting or Conditioning


Open Gym

Holiday Monday

Partner Workout: Pwr Cleans or Deadlifts, Box Jumps, Push ups, WB, KBS, Row

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