Week Preview March 11-17


17 people came out and did 19.3 on Saturday with even a couple more completing it on Sunday! What a great turnout, the energy has been great. Nobody made it all the way through this one but we all gave it our best effort.


1st: Cristy

2nd: Cathy

3rd: Claire, Lisa, Stacie tied


1st: Nick (Evo)

2nd: Scotty

3rd: Ashton

Join Coach Cathy this coming Saturday for 19.4. Just two weeks left!

New Cycle begins this week! This cycle will see Foundation get to dabble with the Big three (Squat, bench, deadlift) nearly weekly for the first 6 weeks. Building is getting close to peaking in the Olympic lifting program. Peak in 6 weeks.

And deadline for hoodie orders is this Friday.


Foundation: Step-Ups, Rev. Sled Drag, DB Incline Bench, Chins, Back Squat

Building: Add: Jerks

Being: Add: Kipping Pullups or C2B


Foundation: RDL, L-sit, DB Ext. Rotation, Band Ext. Rotation, Bike or Row

Building: Add: Power Clean & Back Squat

Being: Add: Hang Snatch, DU’s

Wednesday – Stretch and Mobility

New Stretch Routine this week!


Foundation: Sled Push, Split Squat and Conditioning on Bike or Rower

Building: Add: Jerks

Being: Add: MU’s & HSPU’s


Foundation: SL Back Extension, SL Band Pull In, Incline DB Flye, Side-lying DB Powel Raise, Deadlifts

Building: Add: Snatch & Back Squat

Being: Add some “sharpening” work for CrossFit Open movements


Sublime Saturday Series: Join Coach Cathy for CrossFit Open 19.4!

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