Week Preview Feb 4 – Feb 9

Here’s what’s coming up this week!


Foundation: Incline BB Bench, Ring Row, Sled Drive, variety stretch

Building: Add – Push Press

Being: Add – T2B, S2O


Everyone: Prep work + WHITEBOARD WORKOUT

Being: Add – DU’s

Wednesday – Stretch and Mobility

Lower body focus, a little extra hamstring work.


Everyone: RDL’s, L-sit, Split Squat, Tib raise

Building: Add – Hi Hang Pwr Snatch & Halting Snatch Deadlift or Back Squat

Being: Add – MU’s & HSPU’s


Foundation: DB Shoulder Press, Chins, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Trap 3, Cross-Bench Pullover

Building: Add – Push Press


Conditioning: Row, BJSD, Bike, Skip, Sled drag

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: add Skill: sub HS Walks & DU’s into Conditioning

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