Week Preview: April 18 – 23

I’m back! Sorry about last week, that flu bug wiped me right out.

For those participating in our CrossFit For The Community event, here are the events! More details to follow this week along with the heat schedule.


Event 1:

12:00 – Each team member to establish max shoulder to overhead.

+ 2:00 Rest

Sled push relay (hopefully outdoors, but we got a backup plan if we are rained out!)

Event 2:

16:00 AMRAP

10 Front Squat

10 Lateral Barbell Burpees

10 Calories Bike

We have 22 teams participating, which means we will have raised a minimum $2200 for these kids. Thank you all so much for the support, every time we do this I am impressed with the generosity. See you Saturday!


Okay, Sublime crew gets De-loads across the board! These workouts will be shorter so we are encouraging members to stick around, do some light mobility work, or some rowing/biking.



Foundation – Bench & Bsq (Moderate Weight) + Core & Upper Body Push/Pull

Building – C&J EMOM + DB Push Press & FSQ + DB Bench & Walking Lunge + Push Ups & Jump Squats



Foundation – Sprints! Less sets…….more working time…..

Building – Intervals (KBS/Bike) + For Time (KBS/Burpee)



Foundation – Landmine Press + RDL + Upper Body Strength

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Sn EMOM + SN RDL & Chins + DB Row & Hip Ext + Ring Row & Sled Pull



Foundation – Intervals (Bike/Step Up/Sit Up/Skip/KBS/Burpee) 🙂 Less Rounds

Building – Intervals (KB C&J/Shuttle Run/Burpees/Rowing/Skipping/Bike)



We will not have classes Saturday as we will be running our fundraiser. Feel free to pop by throughout the day and cheer everyone on!

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