Week Preview: Feb.22 – 27

Almost March… summers right around the corner. Right?

Our Crossfit for the Community event is just about full… currently we have 22 teams, I have decided to allow 24. Looking forward to a great day!

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The Sublime Opens and Crossfit Opens kick off this week! Sign up accordingly on Saturdays and stick around to encourage others while they push through the workouts, it will be a great environment! I will be living in the bush up in Lac Du Bonnet this weekend so I will miss the fun, but I will be there all the following weekends.


The Sublime Opens is just the start of what we are calling the Sublime Saturday Series. More details on that to come over the next few weeks, but if you are curious you can stop me and ask what is all about.

Somehow we have over 15 members away on holidays over the next 2 weeks… so if you are looking to get some good quality time with our coaches now is the time! To those travelling, have fun and see you soon!


Foundation wraps up the 2 week deload/transition cycle. Building grunts into week 3/4, but good news, the volume drops.


Foundation – Hip Thrusts + BSQ & Jumps + FSQ + BB RDL & Dead Bug

Building – Snatch + Split Jerk Work + Pres & DB Bench & T Push Up + Chin Ups & Ring Rows & Band Pull Aparts



Foundation – 15:00 AMRAP (Row/Burpee/KBS)

Building – Bike Intervals



Foundation – MB Toss + TGU + Incline Bench & Pull Up + Tabata (Push Up/Bike)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean + Jerks + BSQ & DB Clean & Gob Sq + Harop & Hip Ext & KBS



Foundation – Heavy Deadlift + DB Bench + Sled Push MAX

Building – Aerobic Circuits (Air Sq/Skips/Sled/Row/Step Ups/Bike)



Everyone – Sublime Opens 16.1 (WB/KBS/Burpees)

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