Week Preview: December 5 – 10

November marked the 8th month in a row that we have beat last years monthly attendance. We surpassed November 2015 by 4%, so thanks for filling the place up!


The Lift Off is two weeks away and wraps up the first year of the Sublime Saturday Series. So far the lifters are as follows: Dawny / Cristy / Tim / Kyle S. / Kyle W. I still need to hear from a whole bunch of you. We would like to have 4 females and 4 males similar to last year, so I’ll be chatting with you soon! This is a great opportunity to experience how a real Weightlifting Meet runs, it is a great chance to see if you can use the atmosphere to hit some new personal bests, AND it is just a fun little hour where all that is required of your is 6 lifts!


For the folks in Foundation, we will have a team workout @9:30 that morning, stick around after and watch your buddies lift some weights!

After the Lift Off we take the month of January off and The CrossFit/Sublime Open begin in February and it is time for the 2016 champs to begin defending their titles!

Congrats! You survived the past 5 week grind and made it to the de-load week! Enjoy some shorter workouts this week!


Foundation- Bench & Ring Rows + Tuck Sits

Building – Snatch + Bench & Ring Rows + Tuck Sits



Foundation – BSQ + Burpees

Building – C&J + BSQ + Burpees



Foundation – Zoo Animals + 15:00 Aerobic (Sled/Row/Bike)

Building – Rest up



Foundation – Rest Up

Building – Snatch Complex + Jerk & Pull Up + Bike



Foundation – F.R Rev. Lunge + Landmine & Chins + Deadlift

Building – F.R Rev. Lunge + Deadlift + TGU/Windmill



Teams Of 2: Mash Up! (KBS/WB/Bike)

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